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Mechanics: Fork Mounts with standard-equipment dual-axis drive system and #497 AutoStar Controller. The rigid fork mountings of the ETX Maksutov-Cassegrain
The telescope viewfinder is a great help in locating faint astronomical objects before you begin observing through the telescope eyepiece. ETX-90EC 8 x 21mm
In particular, the LX90 manual is worth reading even if you are using an ETX or one of the other lower Autostar models. By the time you read this,
Above: Outwardly similar to its predecessor, Meade’s new ETX-90/EC 3½ inch In fact, the Autostar-equipped ETX-90/EC can do things no commercial
Operating instructions and pdf manual for use – Meade 3.5″ ETX-90 UHTC Portable and AutoStar GoTo controller pre-loaded with a 30,000 object database.
With over 20 years on the market, the Meade ETX-90 was originally marketed The AudioStar is a primitive controller similar to the AutoStar apart from an
The fitted foam interior protects the telescope while providing ample room for additional eyepieces, a table tripod, the. Electronic Controller, ETX Autostar,
Shop with Meade ETX-90 AT. Cassegrain. Telescope with 497 Autostar Controller 3514-04-15 NEW. $398.00, Buy It. GuideBook Manual CD. Meade 497. Meade
I read the Autostar manual word for word twice before I dared to hook it to my ETX-90 scope. So far the Autostar is far far too complicated for this CPA,
Just got the whole package today for the Meade ETX/90C(Telescope, Autostar documented in the manuals and by the Autostar itself. Note..it is a mildly® The name “Meade,” “AutoStar”, “LightSwitch” and the Meade logo are trademarks registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark. Office and in principal countries
Just got the whole package today for the Meade ETX/90C(Telescope, Autostar documented in the manuals and by the Autostar itself. Note..it is a mildly® The name “Meade,” “AutoStar”, “LightSwitch” and the Meade logo are trademarks registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark. Office and in principal countries
The Meade ETX-90AT, ETX-105AT and the ETX-125AT are extremely versatile, high- resolution telescopes. With pushbutton controls, automatic tracking of
SOURCE: Need instruction manual for Meade ETX-90 EC telescope. We tried to see the loonary clips and it didn’t work. All we could see was black.