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de A de Pina-Costa · Citado por 166 — 2008). P. falciparum was responsible for two important outbreaks in the 1980s, with nine cases reported in 1981 in the region of São José.
10 de set. de 2014 — Thus, it is noted that geoprocessing tools are useful to map the landslide susceptibility, since they make the mapping process and its
de PF do Prado · 2011 · Citado por 68 — One such tool is geoprocessing, which incorporates several other technologies for Human cases of visceral leishmaniasis – 2008.
The use of geoprocessing in the field of health has been proven as an important tool for the monitoring, prevention and control.
5 de jul. de 2022 — The objective of this work is to present the first hydrological and geological geoprocessing studies done in order to support the future
de PF Prado · 2011 · Citado por 68 — One such tool is geoprocessing, which incorporates several other technologies for Human cases of visceral leishmaniasis – 2008.
e de Baixo Carbono nos anos de 2007 a 2008 em comparação com os dados plataforma do Dinâmica EGO (Dinamica – Enviroment for Geoprocessing Objects),.de CRS Toledo · 2017 · Citado por 23 — We identified the spaces with urban characteristics at a 1:5,000 scale, using geoprocessing tools in a Georeferenced Information System (GIS).
Spatial data analysis is a valuable tool for defining priority areas for VL surveillance in high transmission areas contributing to a more effective
This study aimed to integrate Geoprocessing tools and environmental perception of the settlers from Olga Benário settlement – Visonde do Rio Branco,